#8: What You Can Control In Times Of Crisis

We are experiencing a time in the world, that we have never seen before. Listen in to this episode to learn about the things that you can control and focus on that will have you taking daily steps towards things that you want, for yourself and your family.

You may not be able to control what is going on around the world, but you can control the quality of the questions you are asking yourself, the quality of time you are spending with the ones you love, making time for things that matter and using this time to do things that inspire you, learn something new, and slow down.

In the podcast I also mention a brilliant webinar with Arne Rubinstein on “How To Parent In Times Of Crisis” a great resource for families to listen to here is the link to listen in.

Our children are always watching, so lets use this time to be resourceful around them and take steps every day to create positive change in our mindset and actions every day.

Here are some great questions to ask yourself to help you focus on the things that really matter.

1. What was great about this week?
2. Who are some of the people who I look up to and want to spend more time around?
3. What would I do / try if I knew I couldn’t fail?
4. Where is one place I would love to travel too and experience?
5. What is something new I want to learn?
6. Who is someone I want to give back to this year?
7. What is something / someone I choose to give up that is no longer serving me?
8. What was something that happened in the last 10 years, that at the time I thought was the worst thing that could have happened? But now I see it as a blessing?
9. How am I going to take care of my body and my health during this time and the year ahead?
10. Who are the people I can count on as accountability buddies that I know will have my back?
11. What is something I have been too scared to do, but am going to go for it this year?
12. Who’s opinion really matters in my life moving forward?
13. What was a goal you set for yourself that was once a dream, but now you have achieved?
14. What is an area of your life that you know needs your focus this new year so you can live your best life?
15. Who and what resources / audio books / seminars etc can help you make that happen?
16. What is something you are proud of about yourself from this past year? And how are you going to do more of that moving forward?
17. What is a new positive habit that you are going to choose?
18. What do you need to remember about who you really are for the year ahead so that the world gets to see the real you.
19. What are you most grateful for in life right now?
20. What advice would you give to yourself if you could travel back to 2010? And how can you use that to your advantage for 2020 and beyond?


Instagram: @empowered.womens.project/

Facebook: @kate.golle

Website: http://www.dreamlifestylers.com

Thanks to our sponsor: www.tribalwellness.com


website: www.empoweredwomensproject.com

instagram: @empowered.womens.project/

youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/EmpoweredWomensProject

Kate GolleComment